The Goddess's Closet (Digital Mini-Book + Meditation)


Intentionally curated touchstones, practices, & tips for deeper connections to your inner power & wholeness through your personal style.

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Intentionally curated touchstones, practices, & tips for deeper connections to your inner power & wholeness through your personal style.

Intentionally curated touchstones, practices, & tips for deeper connections to your inner power & wholeness through your personal style.

A unique book (written more like a masterclass), curated from a lifetime of learning, practicing, & working with both human potential empowerment and personal styling*. I decided to write the book I had always been looking for! This offer is wonderful for women of all ages, sizes, backgrounds, & style types that are looking to elevate their style, as well as women that are already interested in style but are curious on how to use their personal style in a new & magical way!

(*As well as practicing & studying style + styling throughout my life, I am also a Certified Personal Stylist & Certified International Color Consultant.)

Several example pages are shown (in no particular order) above!

Contents Overview

  • Understanding the power of intention through a significant scientific study… and concepts on how this can be bridged into your personal style!

  • Utilizing personal style as a touchstone through a wide variety of methods

  • Crystal & gemstone energies and how to use them in your style

  • Unique methods for tarot-inspired styling

  • In-depth tips on how to use color in many different ways

  • Styling with “aesthetics” (while also making them your own)

  • Body shape (horizontal and vertical) styling essentials

  • Foundational styling key tips

  • Capsule wardrobe building

  • Conscious/ sustainable style breakdown

  • Modern Goddess embodiment practices

  • Notes on confidence

  • And more…

  • The Garden of the Goddess Meditation - created to help you dive deeper into your authentic self and embody your Goddess within

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Please note that due to the nature of this product being a digital download, it is not eligible for refunds or “returns”.

Why “modern Goddess embodiment”? Why “touchstones”? How do these relate to personal style & design?

I strongly believe in the power of touchstones for the purpose of modern Goddess embodiment. But what do I mean by that?

We all have dreams, directions, & goals. However, when we feel lost, saddened by something, or frustrated by a situation, it is easy to go back to our old habits, thoughts, and feelings. We revert back to the person we once were, temporarily forgetting our previous decision to evolve in the direction of something we desire. We forget why we wanted to evolve in the first place. Maybe it was because we were sick and tired of being sick and tired. Maybe it was because we wanted to move past our past so that we could live a life that we loved. When we are in this place of forgetting our “why”, or our purposeful direction, we lose track of our focus points (our dreams/ desires). And (I can say this with a high level of experience!) when we forget - for a prolonged period of time - the importance of moving forward in the direction of our dreams, it is not just stagnancy we hit. Our minds begin to run wild with our old fears, our old disappointments, our old bad memories, or with the things that we had chosen to leave behind. In those moments, we reach a crossroad. Is it worth it to us to go back to who we once were, or is it worth it to us to continue moving onwards towards our dreams?

The question then becomes: how do we get the energy we need to get back on that horse & keep moving in the direction of our dreams? That motivation needs to come from within rather than from a new product, substance, person, etc. so that we fully believe in our own inherent power to do anything we want & need to do. Yet it can be a great help to have a small, pre-determined reminder of the direction we are moving towards (which is often more motivating than reminders of what we are moving from): a.k.a. “a touchstone”. A little re-charging station. A consciously chosen symbol of our intentions.

What I mean by a “touchstone for the purpose of embodiment” is a symbol that we give a particular, chosen meaning to that we can come back to any time we need a reminder of where we are going & why we are going there. This can also be a symbol that acts as a reminder to be more present in the moment. Regardless of if we are new to personal development or have been working on our growth for many years, we all have moments where we feel frustrated, tested, destabilized, or distracted from the present moment and we need to realign with our dreams. For some these touchstones may be one specific element, like a tattoo or a statue. I love incorporating these touchstones within my home design & decor when it comes to consistent reminders (i.e., calming elements for sleep; vitality elements in the kitchen, etc.). Yet my favorite incorporation of these little symbols in daily life is within personal style. After many years of health issues, I started to realize that selecting pieces for my day-to-day outfits had become an enjoyable ritual for me. I began to think about how my path of inner exploration was connected to considering what I wanted my outer environment (my style) to represent - both to the outer world and to myself. Even when I wasn’t feeling well, playing with my style & jewelry as a curated touchstone had helped me feel more vibrant, connected, grounded, & alive. One of the great things about our style is it can change with us, as we change. Our messages & touchstones can shift from day to day!

When we get dressed in the morning with a high level of intention for how we want to feel & who we want to be that day - who we want to show up as in the world, for ourselves & for others - we co-create magic. We co-create in a state of self-empowerment. In a state of self-guided inspiration. Embodiment practices are one of the most important keys for inner work as well as for outer manifestation. And we have to wear clothes, so why not have those clothes do more for us? Why not choose pieces to wear that help remind us of how far we’ve come to be this person? Why not choose pieces that act as a “dress rehearsal” for who we want to be & how we want to live? Why not celebrate our personal progress, in our personal style?

Now, consider The Goddess. Regardless of if we are working with ancient Archetypal Goddesses or inner Goddess empowerment, she is profoundly dynamic. She is multi-faceted. She is a powerful example of living our Truths; especially the ones that don’t seem to fit in a perfectly square, black & white box. Yet she embodies wholeness, health, wealth, prosperity, strength, magic, love, joy, beauty, bliss, & living an authentic life that encompasses diverse qualities/ traits. How freeing! Our inner Goddess is unique to each of us, but she consistently represents our particular version of inner wholeness & our inner power. This is why working with embodiment practices of our inner Goddess is representative of working with ALL the parts of us, leaving no part of us un-heard or un-developed. Working with her is working with our own greatest potential, in all directions and in all areas of our lives.

Our inner world needs to be deeply nurtured, and therefore I am not at all suggesting that our style is a replacement for inner development. Material ownership does not substitute for practice. Rather, I am offering a new way to look at our daily outfit & design choices: as a part of the practice of embodiment.

Embodiment of our dynamic, whole, powerful, unique inner Goddess.

Below is the more visual “trailer” for The Goddess’s Closet Mini-Book: