Hello there. It’s lovely to meet you! I’d like to tell you a little bit about my “back-story” so that you can better understand what my work is all about & in what ways it can best serve you, too.

I’m originally from the beautiful Orange County in Southern California, where I grew up loving style, nature, spy-craft, science, human potential, epic stories, and magic. I was always daydreaming, and would often get into trouble for how long I would disappear into my fantasy lands (…I much preferred imaginary magical battles over math class!). But by the time I was about 13 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism & the beginning of an anxiety disorder… my real world was altered. I had already not felt very “well” for years, and by my young teen years, intense abdominal pain & paralyzing panic attacks became something I was living with consistently. Doing just about anything was getting harder and harder. The things I loved in my childhood took a backseat, as I started to feel that perhaps my love of beauty & magic in life was superficial and inconsequential. By age 20, my goiter had grown to an Adam’s apple size. I was eventually submitted to the hospital for a thyroid storm, and I had to have my thyroid removed just before I turned 21. I figured that would “fix” it - the pain, the anxiety, the depression, etc. But shortly after my surgery, I was submitted back to the hospital for an event that looked like some kind of seizure. It turned out to be a panic attack — on a whole new level. Again, everything shifted. I had to go back to what I had begun learning about in my childhood & early teen years: human potential & our incredible ability to heal ourselves and change our own lives. This was one of the things my mom had raised me with — we both had chosen to start working with these practices around the age 13 and, even as a young teen, my mom had studied with some of the best teachers in this field before they became the famous leaders they are today!

Slowly… progressively… I went within. I had moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico to help my mom on her new, tiny farm after I had finished my first round of schooling, and shortly before my thyroid storm & thyroid removal. The awe-inspiring silence of the high desert began to teach me how to find a place in the stillness within myself. Introspection & intention became muscles I practiced working with every day. I sifted through the beliefs and patterns I had held on to (many of which had eventually led to my physical difficulties), and learned to re-pattern my mind, emotions, and physical body. Slowly… progressively… I started to see internal and external changes in my life. Step by step, year by year, I was reinventing myself… at the same time that I was coming home to the things that I was once so passionate about. I thought about what it would feel like to embody wholeness, health, wealth, prosperity, love, joy, beauty, bliss, & living an authentic life that encompassed diverse qualities/ traits… and eventually realized that the representation of this would best be described as a sort of “modern Goddess” embodiment practice. The Goddess, regardless of if we’re working with ancient Archetypal Goddesses or inner Goddess empowerment, is profoundly dynamic. She is multi-faceted. She is a powerful example of living our Truths; especially the ones that don’t seem to fit in a perfectly square, black & white box. How freeing.

When you realize you already ARE so powerful inside… you’ll understand just how infinite you are. You are filled with endless possibilities and a myriad of opportunities - right here, right now. That’s what it’s all about here on my site. From guiding you on how to curate style pieces with a high level of intention to create “touchstones” as a form of conscious symbolism… to developing essential oil blends that have been intentionally crafted as a reminder for you to tune into the wisdom of your own magnificent heart… the core of my work is ultimately oriented around the intentional curation of inspiration & empowerment to help you cultivate & embody greater thriving in your life.

So welcome, Gods & Goddesses. It’s an honor and a pleasure to have you here.

My Education

The core of my choices of education:

That which uplifts us to actualize our potential to thrive (by first questioning, thinking about, speaking about, and opening up to theories of what could be possible... and then to act upon that potential…to take consistent, daily actions and live it out, too). Like golden threads that connect together to create a larger web, I like to find and understand the things, ideas, mentalities, places, topics, stories, subjects, considerations, conversations, classes, actions, etc. that provide the energy or specific ways and methods for how we carry out living the lives we love. Things that are innovative, powerful, clever, and fun in how we confidently become our favorite versions of ourselves. Ways to be present and grow at the same time, especially through intentionality & play… celebrating the now & the next. That which bridges the magic and modality of both science + art, both heart + mind, and becomes enriching for our lives.

To find the intersections of inspirational beauty & meaningful empowerment.

It’s all about intentionally curating the elements that move us... that take us somewhere (wonderful).

The depth of your knowledge isn’t defined purely by the classes you’ve taken, the skills you’ve learned, or the level of schooling you’ve completed. Education lies in the crevices of all things.

No learning experience or education is ever truly wasted; it just becomes up-cycled into something new and greater for our lives. I’d like to inspire you to think creatively & know that your education and knowledge base is more vast than you once believed, and to consciously consider how you feed your own incredible learning mind. From here, you can act upon your most vibrant daydreams and most epic potentials.

Think for yourself. Activate your genius. Live your potential.

The essentials of my education:

• Certified Personal Stylist (The Style Academy International; graduated 2023)

• Certified International Color Consultant (ICCP, QC Design School; graduated 2019) (focused on interior decorating; color perception: lighting, saturation, texture, undertones, shades, etc.; creating cohesive palettes and flow for design work; basics of color psychology; + business / consulting)

+ color knowledge expansion —

— psychological-physiological-emotional effects of color; history & times; international & cultural meanings; purposes & uses of color throughout a wide range of disciplines (marketing, film, event & celebration planning, organization, style & fashion, architecture, design, & living, etc.)

— personal color systems; how color alters and influences our perceptions of others & how we appear (have consulted for individuals & also for larger projects featured in About Town Magazine, Discover Magazines, and Forbes Magazine creating complementary, cohesive color schemes for models / businesses)

• Paul Ekman Group, Training Certifications: Micro Expressions (completed in 2021); Subtle Expressions (completed in 2022)

• Certified Holistic Herbalist — S.N.H.S. Dip. (Herbalism) (focused on Physiological-Psychological Affects; Balance Model: Doctrine of Contraries- Galenicals; graduated in 2020) + previous business oriented around creating holistic essential oil perfumes for specific body/mind effects

• Intensive & Progressive Workshops with Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C. (on “Understanding the Power of Your Mind” and “Ascending Your Energy: Tuning Into Your New Destiny”) (focused on Quantum Physics + Epigenetics + Psychoneuroimmunology + Neuroscience; completed in 2019) + completed “The Formula” with Dr. Joe Dispenza (in 2021)

• Leonie Gabriella and Klemen Thomas Manifesting Epic Love & Manifestation Schoolings (completed in 2018 + continued masterclasses with Leonie)

• Sacred Medicine Cupboard Course (with authors of the same book title) (focused on Family Holistic Healing; completed in 2017)

• Auto Technology: Chassis and Drivetrain Specialist Certification (GWC; graduated in 2015) + PRO-CUT Certified Rotor Matching Technician + service writing & secretarial work

• Principles of Time Dimension Therapy based on Neurolinguistics certificate of completion with Dr. Jane Battenberg, M.A., D.C.H (as well as studied Eye Yoga: How You See Is How You Think with Dr. Battenberg; completed in 2012)

+ Developed & scaled my own small solopreneur businesses for over 8 years before starting this specific business + worked for a wide range of businesses; from retail work to shop management, store openings to design curation, and all the little details in between!

Educational Festivals, Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars Attended:

·5 Day “New Wave” 2023 Masterclass by Melanie Ann Layer of Alpha Femme

·3 Day Influencer Summit 2022 by Brendon Burchard & BossBabeInc.

·5 Day High Income Habits with Proctor Gallagher Institute 2022

·5 Day Special Edition Paradigm Shift with Proctor Gallagher Institute 2022 (blended with material from Bob Proctor’s last in-person event in 2020)

·5 Days of Money RE:Loaded with AskHarriette 2022

·Dr. Joe Dispenza’s 2022 Marco Island Livestream Seminar - Evidence Is The Loudest Voice

·Inc. 5000 Vision Conference 2021

·Fast Company Innovation Festival(s) 2021 / 2020 (+ multiple Fast Company Innovation Festival 360 Webinars)

·Lynne McTaggart’s 2021 Livestream Workshop for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 - Healing Afghanistan Intention Experiment

·Trend Hunter Future Festivals 2021; Retail & Marketing, Media & Entertainment; CPG & Food; International; Virtual Summit (for 2022)

·Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies Summit 2021

·Hay House HEAL Summit 2021

·Dr. Joe Dispenza’s 2021 Marco Island Livestream Workshop - Communion: Wiring Your Heart to Your Brain

·Science & Spirituality 2020 Worldwide Conference (all-day workshops) with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart, & Anita Moorjani

Mindvalley Quest & Challenge Completions:

• 5 Days to Magnetic Confidence Challenge with Rolene Strauss

MasterClass Courses & Sessions Completions:

• Robert Reffkin- Buying and Selling Real Estate

• Chris Voss - The Art of Negotiation

•The Art of Intelligence

• MKBHD - Learn How To Make Compelling Video Content 30 Day Sessions with Marques Brownlee

• Ron Finley – Gardening

• Naomi Campbell - The Fundamentals of Modeling

• Sarah Blakely - Self-Made Entrepreneurship

Other College, Advanced, or Private Courses & Classes Taken:

Psychology/ Psychology of Gender/ Psychobiology/ Philosophy/ Cultural Ethics/ Art History/ Art (Various Mediums)/ Writing/

Dance (Flamenco, Irish Tap, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Pole, Belly Dance, Zumba)/ Yoga/ Aerial Yoga/ Music & Voice/ Harp/ Film & Digital Photography/ Solar Technology/ Computer Programming (Python, C++)/ Entrepreneurship & Business/ Honors English/ French Language (& other languages)/ Havening/ Jin Shin Jyutsu/ Aromatherapy/ Homeopathy/ Traditional Chinese Medicine/ Art Therapy/ Crystal Therapy/ Dream-Work/ Kirlian Photography/ Guided Meditations and Visualization Techniques/ Flower Essence Healing/ Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)/ Eye Yoga (see above)/ Iridology/

Msc. Classes, etc.:

Pitch It Perfect Masterclass with Julie Solomon (8/2021) / The 4 Keys to Indistractable Focus Masterclass with Nir Eyal (9/2021) / How to Think Like an Investor Masterclass with Britt Baker and Laurie-Anne King (of Dow Janes) (9/2021) / 3 Secrets to Skyrocket Your IG Following and Land Your First Brand Deal with Christina Galbato (10/2021) / How to Practice Financial Wellness & Feel Good About Money Workshop by Ellevest (10/2021) / Rapid Biohacks for Exceptional Health Masterclass with Ben Greenfield (10/2021) / 3 days intensive of The Launch Masterclass: How To Launch with Jeff Walker (11/2021) / Trend Hunter 101: How To Innovate Through Chaos (1/2022) / Westman Atelier: Choose Your Nude (1/2022) / In Conversation With…Lynne McTaggart & Dr. Joe Dispenza on The Power of Your Expectations (1/2022) / How I Went From Broke & Awkward to a Million-Dollar Life with Anna Bey (2/2022) / Mastering Altered States for Problem Solving & Performance Masterclass with Vishen Lakhiani (3/2022) / The “Starting Over” Business Plan with Anik Singal with Robert Kiyosaki (3/2022) / Style Truths: Why You Have A Closet Full of Nothing To Wear (And How To Fix This) Workshop with Anna Bey (5/2022) / Westman Brides: Wedding Makeup Masterclass (6/2022) / Ingrid Arna’s Rich Goddess Activation (6/2022)/ Sarah Mae Ives’ 7 Things I Did To Turn Lemons Into Lemonade (AKA Created A Thriving Ads Biz) In A Super Saturated Online Biz Space Workshop (8/2022) / Power of The Period Workshop by Usha Anandi (9/2022) / Rachel Rofe’s Low Hanging System Workshop (9/2022) / Ryan Hogue's 8 Day Mini-Course on Print On Demand Dropshipping (10/2022) / Printful's P.O.D. Dropshipping Comprehensive Course (10/2022) / Kerrie Hess Basics of Watercolor Classs (10/2022) / Science of Getting Rich Workshop by Proctor Gallagher Institute (10/2022) / Airbnbae's Airbnb Strategy Workshop (1/2023) / Christina Galbato's 4 Secrets to Running a Successful Blog (1/2023) / Kate Murpy's Rooting to Rise: 5-Steps to Feminine Business Success (2/2023) / KT Merry's The Irresistible Photography Brand Workshop (3/2023) / Catarina Mello's 5 Steps to Accelerate Your Instagram Follower Growth & Land Paid Brand Collabs (even if you're starting from zero) (3/2023) / Glam Observer's Excel for Fashion Webinar (3/2023) / Sophia Amoruso's "Anyone Can Start a Business" Workshop (4/2023) / Kate Taylor’s Stepping Into Fashion Stylist Training (8/2023) / Ron Douglas’ Automated Profit Partner System Program Workshop (12/2023) / Rene Lacad’s Social Media Marketing Business Masterclass (12/2023) / Social Selling Success in 2024 by Kristen Boss (2/2024) / Kate Murphy’s The Golden Thread: Alchemy of Business Abundance Training (3/2024) / Tina Lee’s Editing Workshop (5/2024) / Kate Murphy’s Secrets of Samhain (11/2024) /